Every year I create a special event, birthday wish as most of you already know. Last year I asked if you could plant a tree.
This year when I asked myself what I would like to receive this year, what would be the perfect gift, something different came to me….and yes of course it involves trees! What did you think!
Would you like to play and have fun?
For 34 minutes I would like you to listen…listen to the trees….
You can do that by going to the forest, or on a sidewalk,
Next to your favorite tree, a tree you feel drawn to, or find your favorite type of tree….
Stop…listen…sit… touch that tree….connect…or perhaps lie down next to it…
Be with that tree…feel it….
Get in touch with your gratitude within,
Close your eyes and relax….
Think of all the lovely beautiful trees covering the planet,
All those magnificent creatures,
All that they provide,
The bountiful gifts,
Take in all that beauty…
Maybe think of a time where a tree brought you comfort…nurturing…satisfaction…deep down within…
Perhaps a special memory comes to mind….
Of a time you received the wisdom from its strong powerful roots….
A tree you loved…a tree you climbed…get in touch with the sweet melodies they whispered to you…
The smells that made you feel alive,
Perhaps a cedar tree,
Or a pine,
Listen….to what it has to say…what it has to gift you…
Maybe you would like to climb that tree…
Or dance around it…
Sing a song for that tree…
Write a song about a tree…
Write a poem about this tree…
Or perhaps simply sit enjoy, simply listening…
Doing nothing…
Be with that tree…
Honoring these beautiful creatures that cover our planet…
With their mysterious nature…
What do you choose?
I wonder what they might whisper to you?
What you will receive…
Perhaps you would like to take your child with you and discover what she might whisper to them…
Or maybe you choose to do something else entirely different…
My wish is for you to take time and listen to the trees….
And by all means laugh, laugh, have fun!
If you would like take a photo, or a video, share your experience here in whatever form you would like. I would love to hear what you discovered….
That would be the greatest gift I can receive….
And if you would like to take a step even further! You know I love to dance. I have had this vision of creating a dance for trees out of different movements from people. If you would like to participate by coming up with a movement one movement that you feel represents this tree, whatever comes to you, and make a video of it sharing it I will use them in the future combining them all up to make up a dance!
Does that sound like fun?
When: 9th of January
Location: Planet Earth
Wishing you a beautiful magical tree journey…
Bellow is a recording of what I say and ask. Even if you don’t speak Greek you are invited to listen just follow the energy of what I ask
and here is the facebook event: