Upon seeing the deer I walk back to the house and grab my camera. Along the sea I meet this lovely beautiful woman with white long hair and beautiful eyes gathering wood I had a little chat with her and she invited me to join them for the fire. The tide was in very in so I took off my shoes so I could go through the water in order to be able to walk any further. It was so delightfully refreshing. I wasn’t able to go far I had so much fun climbing over the branches and feeling the water on my feet. I had splashes up to my thigh. My butt stayed dry though yay!
I couldn’t go any further unless I wanted to swim…my camera said no. So I walked back in the other direction I had a beautiful journey walking with the sun facing me its light on my body at all times. Along the way there were many jellyfish they are so beautiful…truly. Don’t they make you want to just jump on them? They are so jelly squishy! I discovered something then. When I went back to the house for the camera. Spleen otherwise known as intuition: “take your sd card it’s not in camera” Mind: “nah why wouldn’t it be in camera?” well guess what it wasn’t! So you get a photo of the jellyfish from another time. There are so many of them I really enjoyed looking at the details of their bodies the different shapes and sizes beautiful.
At the end of the beach I enjoyed climbing the rocks and sitting at the edge admiring the view all around.
As I was leaving the beach I looked up and Evdoksos the bald eagle was flying around in the sky. I proceeded to walk up the road, the hill and a big gust of wind came that caused some wind chimes from a home to nurture my ears with its beautiful melody, then a person went by on this little road on this funky light green bicycle that looked like it was from back in the days…as I proceeded walking up once in a while big gusts of winds would come briefly then it would decrease to its normal rhythm. And! A few steps in front of me was this tree with yellow leaves…the wind causes the leaves to begin to fly around falling onto the road..it was beautiful…numerous leaves like a rainshower or snowflakes…of course I went and stood in that spot enjoying the leaves falling on me and all around me…and playing among them…the sight almost makes your body feel like the leaves…like you are floating in the air with them…
Along the way there were a few trees that some of their leaves would flutter around…such a beautiful sight noticing the dance they make in the air each making its unique movement flight in the air…the whole experience journey was like a scene in a most beautiful movie…Evdoksos was in sight the whole time until I reached home. And OMG those deer!!!
Thank you birds, nature, and life for giving the call and taking me out of my usual 10.2 hermiting isolative behavior…that was most definitely the right call. I love life…
-The Fairy Chronicles