I dance… the only proper form of release…I hop & turn…spin…shake…movement expresses my body’s sensations at this moment in time…still overrun by a feeling of restlessness…of so much…from what or where unknown…needing to be alone…not engage in any interaction or discussion… no people are welcome …time to dive within…retreat…I am an aggressive wolf …growling…alert…ready to pound…
I flow with it…dive into it…allow it…my body to take me…express whatever it wishes…I watch observe to see what will come…what words… feelings…sensations…what the muse will bring… I do not judge it…go against it…I ride it and discover what will be revealed…deep in the muse …my creativity ready to explode…bring something new…unbound… I wait to see what will emerge…
The more I dance the more I get lost within the sound…the music…I leave all else…I am flying yet never more grounded…within myself…within earth… I stop dancing and look out the balcony window to the stars which calms my body and soul…I relax…the owl within begins to call for a walk among the night sky… perhaps by the ocean…I allow my wings to open…the night calls….