You plan all these details for a month everything you could possibly need for 3 months camping, you finally get there after MANY adventures the journey is about to begin…you open up tent bag and….the poles are missing bahahaahaha…had to get creative..and now my tent it named Stravoula (crooked for female).
The journey begins….I have been wanting to do this for 2 years now and I am finally doing it. I am camping on Orcas island among nature for three months, and just being….writing and being creative…healing…something I am doing for me….my body has been asking for this for a long time and I am just filled with everything!!!!! Yuupppeeee!!!!! and I am just ssooo curious what is going to come from this!
“Freedom is not about the size of your cage or power of your wings or non-attachment to a person or a thing. Freedom is about being so truly, deeply & madly attached to your own soul that you can’t bear – if only for a moment – a life that doesn’t honor it.”
-Andréa Balt