I am camping on a beautiful ten acre property on Orcas island. Trees, plants, and a lovely pond. Amazing birds and dragonflies and damselflies everywhere. The people on the property are beautiful! There are a couple of people living in yurts, someone in a beautiful tipi, the couple that owns the property in their home, and then me in my tent. The land is large so we all have our solitude yet we have the choice of having some human companionship if we want to. Such an amazing group of people. There is an outdoor kitchen and a shower, bath and sauna. I got settled beneath this lovely tree near the pond.
My neighbor helped me set up my tent and tarp in a way that my things and I would not get wet. Thankfully we finished just five minutes before it started pouring for a full day and a half. The first night I had camped elsewhere I went to sleep to the lullaby of the frogs and woke up to that of the birds, well that’s every day now. A black and white dragonfly appeared and landed on my tent and just sat there and didn’t want to leave. He would sit sometimes on my tent and other times on a box I had outside. He allowed me to get as close as I wanted. I named him Iperesthisia (υπεραισθησία). He did this for the two days I was there. I was very honored by his presence. I do love dragonflies and feel very connected to them definitely my favorite in the insect realm. There is something very special about this dragonfly. He has come once since then to my new location and I see him by the pond.
I love my little space! This is the best decision I have ever made! I love being right on the earth and among nature and I love this outdoor kitchen! I still have a few adjustments to make to my tent but it already feels like home. I have begun continuing writing my next book and my others, and also writing my usual fairy tales. I am loving it! Many amazing magical synchronistic things are happening on a daily basis. I feel re-grounded fully immersed within my being…I feel happy, truly happy and that am finally home.
I wanted to name my new temporary home. I had just finished changing my cover photo on facebook with a photo I had found long ago. I began searching for a name and when I came to Laka I felt that’s it! I then proceeded to look at what the name means and the first page I open had the photo I had just placed as my cover photo.
Laka means “gentle, docile, attracted to, to attract.” She is Pele the Hawaiian goddess of volcanoes’ sister. She is a nature goddess that can be invoked for rain. She is the goddess of hula, the forest, and the wild woods. Her symbols are lei flowers, dance, and the color yellow. She collects the treasures of our personal legacies and records them so they can be shared with the future generations. Yup, I believe it’s the most appropriate name.
The two trees behind me are Phigalia and Pitys.
I have been sleeping the best I have in years and something I have noticed is that usually I lie in bed thinking a lot before I drift to sleep whereas now I just drift with no thoughts. A large variety of birds hang out on the ground around my tent and surrounding area searching for insects and such. I get to watch them from my tent. They are so funny.
So far it’s been far more beautiful than I could have ever imagined.