All this love is this, love is that, only certain things, behaviors, words, actions are love and others not. Well I say, garbage boloney! love is what it is for each and every one of us individually and uniquely.
No matter what degree, expertise, title, history, experience you have you Do NOT know what is true and correct for the other. Ask questions, stop making assumptions and generalizations.
There is the not –self taking in and being what you are not from the outside world, not knowing who you truly are. There is also being who you are being your unique self and perceiving the world through your eyes, not seeing everyone is different everyone is designed differently and if others are not acting based on how you perceive and experience the world they are wrong.
People accept certain traits characteristics, ideas, emotions, views, behaviors as the truth the universal truth, as the correct way to be based on the not-self the outside world and then also based on who they are. An ultimate truth does not exist. A right or wrong feeling does not exist, a right or wrong person does not exist, or a thing, or a behavior, or a way to do things or be. People being themselves and people not being themselves both can be stupid. Being yourself and acknowledging everyone’s uniqueness are two separate things both are necessary in order to eliminate judgment and accept uniqueness. And it begins by being your unique self, loving yourself, then you begin to see…. My body has become its own guide, I have no role, it takes over…it is effortless….it now speaks…it expresses beyond expression….automatic effortless expression…I don’t do anything…the body taken… drifting…traveling…lost in sublime pleasure…EVERY part of me is alive…there is not a single inch that is not ecstatic, every cell is pure, vibrant as can be…captivated by the sound…it’s lost within the music. It has strings puling my vehicle…beingness…I am being…no time… no nothing but the sound, the music the most satisfying of feelings…out of this world…fully in my body yet at the same time as if I don’t have a body…I can do anything…the sentence “I love my body” flashes through my awareness…I feel gratefulness for its existence…for without it I would not be experiencing this moment…the greatest gift of all…who would not want a body when you can dance? Insanity!
My body speaks every language, every dialect, and movement…it speaks words that have not yet been created…it creates a new movement each second…my consciousness is now fully an observer… watching in awe…my mind does not know how…its mechanical…natural…for I have allowed it full reign to be…to exist…to do as it pleases and create any movement, sensation it wishes…it is joyful, creating a communion, an appreciation…and love…a love for every part of my body…it’s the most in love I feel with my body and being…tingling fills my entire vehicle…I exist only here and now…my hands and fingers flow moving all that is within me and without…it is unstoppable….powerful… pppffff… who would not want a body when you can dance? What is the BESTEST BESTEST I mean BESTEST(grammar people sshhh) thing to do at 1:00 at night? Daannncceee….aaaahhhhh… euphoria is nothing compared to it….
The world of melancholy, that inner space is where I dwell, reside, and belong…nowhere else. It is my home…and the most beautiful place….
We are all deeply unique and different so when we come together with another person what we make and are together is unique as well. Every friend, lover, partner what you are together, share together, create together can never be replicated or found in another it’s a unique connection. There will never be another you, and there will never be what you are with another person. We share something unique with every being in our life, it could never be the same. Think about how BEAUTIFUL and SPECIAL that is.
Just like you cannot find someone the same as you, you cannot find that same special connection and bond, friendship you share with a best friend, a lover, a husband/wife, sister/brother, pet, tree it is always going to be different…always….So the loss of someone by death or a break up or in whichever way is a loss of what you share specifically with that person. You will never experience the same thing with another. Expectation of finding the same thing is an illusion. It is not bad or good, it’s not better or worse it only is so if you compare and have a specific conclusion, a point of view on how the other should be, act, what a specific relationship and connection should be like and feel like. Trying to define it instead of watching, allowing and experiencing what that is. If you do so you cannot be there with the other person and will never find out. We are all so different, different little pieces that make up us and then what it creates together when the other brings in their own individual elements. It is so beautiful. There is no specific caring or love that is correct, this is caring, this is loving, this is not, this means this and this means that. It depends on the person, and it is the awareness and acceptance of the other as being different then who you are without blaming them or yourself and attempting to change yourself or the other. There is nothing to change just to be, to be with the other as yourself and allowing them to be themselves. To be there within your body’s awareness and not with your mind and it’s preconceived ideas, views, and judgments. It’s an acceptance, a love, a gratefulness of what you are together when these two beings with different designs meet. What if we took the time instead of perceiving the other’s behavior through a preconceived lense of what is correct or not, we actually opened our eyes and treated and accepted the other for who they are? Got to know what being them is for them, who they are. What they consider caring, and loving? Doesn’t that sound like more fun? If we don’t like what our mechanics create and are together, if it is not correct for us what if we just simply allow it to be so without blaming the other, judging them, trying to find a reason why it does not work for us, making the other person wrong because they do not comply to the views we have as to what is caring, loving, this and that? I for one think it’s beautiful, these unique connections we create with each individual. I mean how beautiful is that that each person you come across you will experience and share something unique and special? Isn’t that exciting? We cannot define what we will be, and make with the other and we cannot control it, we are designed the way we are. What if we accepted, loved, marveled ourselves for who we are and accepted the other for who they are without comparing them to anyone? Acknowledging that difference with eyes of wonder instead of judgment because they are not us. Because they are not…. no one is. What applies to us applies to no one else. This comparing we do, it’s just a trap, such a trap, so silly. We are dealing with a separate individual….ALWAYS no matter how conditioned they are. It’s, not better, worse, good, or bad its whether they are correct for us, to have these people in your lives. And if they are guess what! They are not better people than those who are not in our life, the good ones, and the ones that are not are bad and stupid and this and that. No… are just not correct to be in each other’s life period nothing more. Ahhhh… this judgment and blame. It blinds us from the beauty of life, of ourselves, and the other. When we perceive the other as the most caring person in the world or the most loving and we say “oh you are just love,” “you are kind” “you are unkind” “you are mean,” and this and that…is that really true? Or is it that they are the most caring person based on what we perceive and believe to be caring? According to our standards of what a caring and loving person does and acts? The standards of what we have been conditioned to deem as good and bad? Aaahhh…human silliness. We are rarely BEING with the other, with ourselves, and the world instead we are existing within the limitation of our minds. Perhaps it’s time to be more aware? What you should know about individuals: For us not interfering in our lives and allowing us to be the different unique freaks we are, allowing us to follow our crazy new ways even though they may be vastly different from what you consider to be normal, the correct and only way, safe, and successful, is our definition of caring.
You can do whatever you like follow any path you choose, mainstream or not, your choice and that’s wonderful. I will do the same as me, I will always lead a life of jumping, leaping into the unknown….going places where no one has ever gone before…or ever knew existed…or thought possible…carving new paths, new horizons….new ways of being….
Yay! I am turning 34! And I have a birthday wish….
Every year I create a special event, birthday wish as most of you already know. Last year I asked if you could plant a tree. This year when I asked myself what I would like to receive this year, what would be the perfect gift, something different came to me….and yes of course it involves trees! What did you think! Would you like to play and have fun? For 34 minutes I would like you to listen…listen to the trees…. You can do that by going to the forest, or on a sidewalk, Next to your favorite tree, a tree you feel drawn to, or find your favorite type of tree…. Stop…listen…sit… touch that tree….connect…or perhaps lie down next to it… Be with that tree…feel it…. Get in touch with your gratitude within, Close your eyes and relax…. Think of all the lovely beautiful trees covering the planet, All those magnificent creatures, All that they provide, The bountiful gifts, Take in all that beauty… Maybe think of a time where a tree brought you comfort…nurturing…satisfaction…deep down within… Perhaps a special memory comes to mind…. Of a time you received the wisdom from its strong powerful roots…. A tree you loved…a tree you climbed…get in touch with the sweet melodies they whispered to you… The smells that made you feel alive, Perhaps a cedar tree, Or a pine, Listen….to what it has to say…what it has to gift you… Maybe you would like to climb that tree… Or dance around it… Sing a song for that tree… Write a song about a tree… Write a poem about this tree… Or perhaps simply sit enjoy, simply listening… Doing nothing… Be with that tree… Observing… Being… Honoring these beautiful creatures that cover our planet… With their mysterious nature… What do you choose? I wonder what they might whisper to you? What you will receive… Perhaps you would like to take your child with you and discover what she might whisper to them… Or maybe you choose to do something else entirely different… My wish is for you to take time and listen to the trees…. And by all means laugh, laugh, have fun! If you would like take a photo, or a video, share your experience here in whatever form you would like. I would love to hear what you discovered…. That would be the greatest gift I can receive…. And if you would like to take a step even further! You know I love to dance. I have had this vision of creating a dance for trees out of different movements from people. If you would like to participate by coming up with a movement one movement that you feel represents this tree, whatever comes to you, and make a video of it sharing it I will use them in the future combining them all up to make up a dance! Does that sound like fun? When: 9th of January Location: Planet Earth Wishing you a beautiful magical tree journey… Bellow is a recording of what I say and ask. Even if you don’t speak Greek you are invited to listen just follow the energy of what I ask and here is the facebook event: |
My name is Gaia (Γαία) and I was born on the beautiful lush island of Kos, along the Aegean sea of Greece, where Hippocrates, the "father of medicine" was born. I am a writer (favorite being children's stories and fairy tales), artist, dancer, modern day Greek Mythologist, nature dweller, photographer, traveler, dreamer, and creator. I love creativity...I love all nature, especially trees. Archives
October 2019
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