Do you know what I mean? Notice almost all children’s books the format. I Mean look at children how easily they pick up better than anyone the use of cell phones, computers, apps, complex video games, and then they have these children stories as if they are talking to an ignorant. They are not mature, in a way its enforcing immaturity. Are they ignorant? Or are they aware? These books in some ways are condescending and I am not saying that just because I write children stories I am even not just talking about children’s books I am talking about people’s attitudes in general towards children. Is it more the adults lacking the awareness? I wonder…lacking the awareness of recognizing each person’s potential, putting people once again into boxes, all kids are like this, there is a certain age for this, all women are like this, all men are like this, you have to talk to a woman this way (no sorry you have to talk to me as me not a woman), a certain race this way, an older or younger person this way…
We do not honor individually each person for who they are. We have already stigmatized them. We don’t really get to know anyone. Truly and deeply. We have already created a barrier. We don’t ask questions. Who are you? We say you are this because of this this and that. We assume we know because they are this, follow this religion, have that color hair. But do we really know? Maybe we should learn to listen more? Ask?
I digress…what I am saying is do we have to talk to them as if they are stupid? Or as valuable beings that have something to contribute to life right NOW? As they are right now, not in the future. Not in the future when they are adults, when they have accomplished something, are something specific, they are married they this and that? When they follow a certain format. How is that teaching them self-love? Self worth? Value? Are they only going to be of value in the future or are they NOW?