Crazy looking creatures.
Bizarrely shaped.
Piercing eyes,
Incredible patterns!
I observe closely.....
Every wing,
Every leg,
Every antenna.
So intricate, colorful, strange, different!
Looking closer......
You will be flabbergasted!
Nature has created such interesting and diverse beings…
So very... entertaining.
So, so small yet such a vital part of living.
Without them we would not exist.......
Their size is no measure to their greatness,
Their purpose… a vital ingredient to our life's recipe.
Their ingenuity, artistic talent... invaluable!
You’d be crazy not to say WOW!
Invisible to our human eye,
Surrounded we are with these beings.
Unnoticed, as we go about our daily tasks.
Life's details......
Opening our perception,
Even just for a few moments,
Looking around there is no question,
The trees...plants... flowers & soil will take us by
Displaying the little secrets of life.
Natures creativity,
Went wild creating those little buggers!
-Gaia Giakalli