If you seek perfection in your relationship with the other you are seeking them to be like you. That can’t be, they are unique in one million different ways. Maybe it’s about seeing the perfection within ourselves, acknowledging our uniqueness so that we do not expect the other to be the same and allow them to be their own perfection. See perfection in the other…do not seek it. You have to see and be the perfection you are before you can see, the perfection of the other…the perfection of life. Then you can live in harmony with the perfection and distorted imperfection not-self of others.
It does not mean you cannot have a harmonious relationship, a loving, caring correct relationship a beautiful long lasting one until you close your eyes upon the earth. It can never be perfect though, for you are two unique perfect.
You can see their perfection, your perfection and the perfection of life but do not disregard that and make one perfect out of two. You can’t, let the other have the perfect relationship with their own body while you have the perfect relationship with your body. Keep them separate, they are separate, keep them separate without trying to make their body your body or yours theirs. This way you lose both perfections from two you now have zero. Such a waste…
Keep your perfections, love each other’s perfections allow each perfection every existence to be its unique differentiated form, allow life to be in its perfected form…to be its self. Don’t you get it? Everyone’s perfected form is being themselves, who they truly are…do not seek to change, mold, redefine, undefine yourself. You are perfection to be found nowhere, absolutely nowhere else. Your relationship with the other can be correct but it can never be perfect.
You can be perfect, the other can be perfect, life can be perfect but you can never be perfect with the other. Life could only be perfect if we were all being that perfect. That is why nature at times seems perfect, moments in nature are perfect because it is being itself it is being its perfection and we are allowed to be our perfection and it works harmoniously.
Yet with the other, you could never be that perfect in their presence you can only be that when you are alone…separate. That is why from afar the other seems perfect and somehow when living with them, being around them 24/7 that perfection disappears. You are not you anymore and they are not them anymore. So it is about loving your perfections separate and enjoying your imperfections together. The imperfections of life. We can see the perfection of its differentiated force and at the same time what naturally happens in everyday life distortion in our close contact with others the imperfection because of so much time spent among the other people’s auras. No longer differentiated no longer unique. And even the perfection of that. Knowing when what is correct for you moment by moment sharing a togetherness and also separateness with the other depending on what degree of perfect separate and imperfect together is correct for you.