I decided to take a break and went on my wherever it takes me walks….
Perfect temperature...the sun was shinning…I enjoyed you know the white things from the trees that are just floating around everywhere? Along the path it was covered in white it was like snow...so much fun to walk in and play. If you pounce it it they float up in the air hehehehe…I end finding an amazing path into a wooded area…..it was ssoooo beautiful!!!! The trees the songs of the birds….I danced as I walked along it…oh and first sign of the berries coming out so looking forward when they do love picking them as I stroll along…then I found a path that led to the perfect stream…I got to dance around and play with the water….I had SOOOOO MMMUUUCCCHHHH FFUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!! Can you tell? Can you tell?
I love not knowing where I am going…it always results in the most best of times…:-)
and all of that after being super amazingly productive….you can do both…just saying….