I love nature, I always have. It’s my home. To me there is no difference between a tree, a rock, an insect, an animal, a human, or myself. However we have created this reality of separation where there are certain norms. We do certain things, there a specific rules we follow for entertainment and pretty much everything. We go to parties, dinners, there are certain rituals, chronological orders to things that we don’t dare to step out of. There are pre-fixed ideas and notions on what is right, wrong, fun, social and everything outside of it we tend to judge it. We all do it.
Being around other people and being “social” which seems to include only humans is considered healthy . Is being social not being in nature? I mean we are surrounded by so many living beings? How is that not being social? So being social apparently only means to be around many people and you have to speak verbally out loud lots! Even if you have nothing of interest of value to say. But yes that’s what we have labeled as such we must not step out of it or the sky will fall upon us!
This is what most people like or practice because they are taught to. This is not EVERYONE. The non-veryones ( I think I am going to use this word, I like it!) are deemed weird, antisocial. Ring dring ring - JUDGEMENT!!! You can look at it from a point of view of extroverts vs. introverts even though I don’t like to give people labels. One is deemed appropriate and the other something is wrong because we have labeled it so.
I am going to focus here on nature lovers, as I am one myself. Here is some parts of something I had written at an earlier date:
I LOVE spending time with myself. I could never get "bored" or shall we say have a lack of attention span. I crack myself up, I have fun, I laugh, play, I get to choose whatever I want, whenever I want, I create anything, do anything how great is that? Especially in nature it is a never ending fascination. There is so much to do, see, observe, be!
On rare occasions I could get "bored" around people and it is not that the people are boring by all means. It is that the energy between us at that point in time is not correct and there is nothing wrong with that. It is just not where I am suppose to be.
In fact the only time I could get bored is when I am doing something I do not really feel I would like to do.
How many times in your life do you spend time with people out of guilt, because it is expected, it is customary or proper, something you are suppose to do otherwise you will be considered rude or judged?
It can be wonderful you know just to spent time with yourself. I understand those who like to be around other people all the time. Good for you. I choose and just love to be "alone" most of the time. Alone is not the correct word as we are never "alone." I have spent most of my life in solitude and never felt alone. Actually the times I have felt "alone" is when I was in big crowds of people.
How could you be "alone" in nature??? There you have the biggest crowd imaginable and amount of life! There are trees, plants, flowers, rocks, insects, the earth. It is crawling with life!!! How can that be considered alone? We humans sure are a weird lot!!
Spending time with humans can be as equally as satisfying and beautiful however there is no difference it is all part of the same thing, and so is being with yourself, and I so enjoy it!”
I remembered always since a child being criticized by others for spending so much time in nature or having fun and enjoying time alone. However what they did not realize is that I was not alone. As I mentioned above being in nature which is crawling with life is not alone. Its quite the opposite. Do you ever stop to think who made up this rule that we have to be around humans at all times? How many times do you hear that being in nature is escaping reality? What reality??? There is no such thing!
What makes going to a café seating and drinking a coffee life ‘the’ reality? And gong on a hike not? Its all part of the same thing. How many of you wish to spend time in solitude or more time in nature but don’t out of fear of being judged or because its not what people do? How much does your body long to do so but your not allowing it out of judgment?
Some people like apples others papayas, others watermelon. Is the apple reality and the papaya not? I have always respected those that love to be around other people I do too, not all the time though. Everything is life though . And for those of you who get criticized its perfectly ok, beyond ok, it is the same thing only one is attachéd with judgment and the other not.
What if we get rid of these ridiculous ideas about what is right or wrong or social to do and not to do and just BE? Instead of judging other peoples choices why not accept them as ok “not my choice, but cool!”
When it comes to nature if we open our minds are we not aware that it is purely a notion we have created of separation? We try to cling to what is the same or shall we say what we perceive as the same because we are all different. Do you see all insects and animal species gathering in groups for group activities all the time? No. some animals are herd animals some are not. Do you see the deer going over to the cougar and saying “nope nope nope you are suppose to be in a group” Uuummm no! Is one animal living a ‘incorrect’ life and the other not? So please let’s get rid of these stupid judgments and be aware that these are purely a social construct we have create to live by.
Be who you are. Get rid of these ideas of what you should or shouldn’t be doing . I hear so many people say they would love to go out in nature more or that I just went there (to an event) because I had to. well what if you didn’t have to?
What if you can choose to do what YOU would like to do?
I don’t say well you have to go out in nature that is what is fun, relaxing, just because it is for me. Go do what YOU find relaxing.
Lets get rid of this superiority complex that humans are better and nature is beneath us. That we are more intelligent , knowledgeable, aware. Come on now who are we kidding? who is the unhappy and unbalanced one? The trees? Is nature not the one functioning to its full capacity, ability and joy? But yet we know better? What if nature just is and is not trying to prove anything. What if that is the only thing that separates us?
How are we more valuable than a tree, the ocean? If all of nature had that idea or stand we wouldn’t exist nature would be warring among each other like us humans do. Do you see the squirrel attacking the raccoon and saying they are better or correct?
So please let’s get rid of this stupid myth that nature is not life…reality when indeed all it is… is LIFE.