Is not easy,
It is sometimes treacherous,
Filled with all kinds of judgment from the outside world,
Within the context of the collective and tribal it is not often welcomed,
It is a threat after all,
It brings mutation…change.
A different way of viewing things, doing things, being,
It is following its own trip,
It cannot follow their rules,
It is not suppose to,
It has its own unique path to create.
A threat to the system,
That needs to follow a certain order & all be and do the same.
The individual is not here for this.
Words you will hear are anarchist, selfish, unrealistic, incorrect, wrong,
& all kinds of other unaware words uttered.
Yet the individuals are the ones that empower others to fulfill their potential,
Through that uniqueness,
To see the true possibility of the individual, society, imagination, creativity…of life.
It is a sad & lonely path at times, yet thoroughly empowering…
To yourself and others.
You will always be an outcast among most,
Yet a driving empowering force for others.
Ah people & their Judgment…
Perhaps something else the individual brings to the world and the most important is acceptance…
A certain openness,
Breaking down that wall of narrow mindedness.
Demonstrating that there is no right way of being…
“My way is right and yours is wrong,”
Instead there is allowance.
What is empowerment after all? Is it not one aspect of caring for one self and for others?
To allow them to be who they are and follow their dreams, a certain system, or belief,
That perhaps does not match yours?
But yet…you let them be?
Is the world ready for this change? I wonder?
There is a lack of understanding of the path of the individual…
Almost like a war against,
A war of ignorance.
It is not the easiest thing to follow the beat of your own drum sometimes,
The most fulfilling path you will ever embark on.
The collective brings its own magic..and the tribal another…
And the individual has a place as well.
The individual brings its uniqueness,
An avenue so we do not have to hold on to the old paradigms,
Improvement, change, evolving…
Without it things would remain the same,
Which is fine too.
It is the unknown which is feared by most,
Security, being safe, sounds better, routine, that…known.
Anything different is a threat instead of a potential,
It is uncomfortable,
Not welcomed…yet refreshing deep down within…
Because you too probably hold some aspect of individuality within,
Which is being given permission to be,
If people are not ready for it you will be ostracized, outcasted, and judged.
But who cares?
The correct people for you to be around will not see you this way.
Somewhere someone decided that being the same is normal,
Yet through my eyes its quite unnormal.
There is beauty in both,
& there should be acceptance of both.
It is not the easiest thing to follow the beat of your own drum sometimes,
The most fulfilling path you will ever embark on.