Reason and why is mind trying to figure things out yet it cannot know only your inner knowing knows. It just knows, you do not have to comprehend how it is telling you that something is correct for you or not to say yes or no. You do not need to know how it knows …how is irrelevant too.
All you need to know is that it’s YOU that knows…not your neighbor, your partner, lover, mother, or father, friend, or any teacher, coach, or leader…it’s you, ONLY you.
Anyone giving you advice well that’s strictly their truth, their eyes, their view not yours, you are unique. If you listen to them you well then will never make correct decisions as you but you will be making decisions as them. All others can do is guide you to ask questions for yourself, find what your truth is without telling you to follow what their truth is…they do not know. It’s not why, it’s not how, it’s who and that who is you.