All you have to do is accept the truth and confront it, and the other. Aaaaahhhhhh what a beautiful thing truly….to accept the truth whatever it may be and confront it head on whatever it is…it no longer is a matter of right or wrong. It’s actually so easy yet we make it so difficult. LISTEN to YOUR BODY…IT KNOWS…accepting your feelings …your truth no matter what it is at that moment…then it can come and go…just as fast. That is honest communication with yourself and others.
It’s about acknowledging your body…loving it saying, “Hey! It’s okay, you feel this way,” rather than making it wrong for feeling this way…same with the other person…it’s not a matter or right or wrong…you wrong the other right or you right and the other wrong…be honest with your body…acknowledge it…so that you may speak share your truth with others. And remember it’s not THE truth…it’s YOUR truth…nobody else’s.
Once you confront your feelings you are able to confront the other/others involved…yet, it doesn’t even really matter, their reaction, their response is completely irrelevant. It is really about confronting yourself confronting your feelings and emotions…your truth…it no longer feels negative…heavy…when you do…when you’s the denial of them…that makes it “negative”…heavy…the judgment of something natural in every human being…
There comes the mind with its morality…telling you “no, you shouldn’t be feeling this or that”… “this is good this is bad”…neglecting your body the true source of your awareness…of your truth…then the mind blames the other for how it is feeling …when it’s not the other it’s your own mind trying to control because it doesn’t want to feel it…already with a preconceived idea of what is correct or incorrect instead of asking what is correct or incorrect to feel at this moment in time…so then you magnify the feeling or emotion more and more directing its course outwards…when its inwards it comes from inwards perhaps as a result of outwards yet it is now inwards …the other is irrelevant…its YOUR truth confront your truth …confront yourself head on! BE IT! stop making up stories in your head about how you should feel, there is no right or wrong way to feel…only what is the correct feeling for you at that moment in time…which could be anything…FEEL IT…don’t THINK IT…BE IT…BE YOUR BODY…BE YOU…
And remember your truth is not the other’s truth…it’s not about having the same truth…it’s about accepting the other’s truth or not…whether its correct for you or not… not that one or the other isn’t…they are just different…to attempt to make it the same is but using your mind…allow each other’s truth to communicate with each other…to celebrate its sincerity…without making one or the other better or right…See, it will never be completely the other person’s truth too…some pieces yes….they can be, but never fully…you see you are different…unique…that is why communication is required…because otherwise no one can ever know what the other’s truth is…there is no other way…embrace the gift of communication when its correct for you…communicate your truth and allow the other to communicate there’s…and then you can truly discover what or who is correct for you…you can discover one another…but more importantly…you can discover yourself…your own unique truth…